Iota Chapter Endowed Scholarship Awarded to Brother John "Johnny B" Burden

Thanks to all of the Brothers and friends of the Fraternity who have made contributions to Southwestern University in the name of the “Kappa Sigma Iota Endowed Scholarship Fund.”

Active Brother John “Johnny B” Burden was awarded the scholarship for the 2008/09 academic term.

Johnny B is pictured far left, with the group who participated in the SING competition at Homecoming.

SING_Johnny B

For those not familiar with the scholarship, here’s a full copy of the Memorandum of Understanding with the University



Memorandum of Understanding

This permanent endowment fund is established by the Iota Alumni Association, and shall be named and known in perpetuity as the Kappa Sigma Iota Endowed Scholarship.

The University agrees to invest the funds donated to this endowment in a prudent manner pursuant to the applicable endowment investment policies promulgated by the Board of Trustees of the University, as may be revised from time to time, and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Any policy to the contrary notwithstanding, the University agrees that all annual withdrawals from the Kappa Sigma Iota Endowed Scholarship Fund shall be applied at least annually to support the purposes described herein and shall not be applied to any other account or used or distributed in any manner except as provided below.

This Endowment is permanent, and therefore, only the annual withdrawals are available to support the purposes described herein. Annual withdrawals from the endowment shall be calculated by applying the spending formula determined by the Board of Trustees, as revised from time to time. The University shall endeavor to make the first scholarship distribution from this scholarship fund within the first year from the date this endowment reaches the collective funding level of $25,000.

Subject to the distribution provisions above, the University’s Office of Financial Aid shall award scholarships on an annual or semi-annual basis to students of the University who meet the characteristics set forth below as evaluated by the University annually or semi-annually.

First Preference: University students in good standing who are members of the Iota Chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Among such eligible recipients, preference should be given to such members who demonstrate the highest levels of academic excellence and/or leadership in the University community.

Second Preference: If no University students meet the First Preference guidelines above, the annual withdrawal will be awarded to University students in good standing who are members of any fraternity which is traditionally social in nature (for example, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity or Kappa Alpha Order). Among such eligible recipients, preference should be given to fraternity members who demonstrate the highest levels of academic excellence and/or leadership in the University community.

Third Preference: If no University students meet the First or Second Preference guidelines above, the University may award the annual withdrawal to any University students of its choice.

The Fund shall become active when gifts to the fund attain a level of $25,000 or more.

Philanthropy a Major Focus for Active Chapter in 2008/09

Reporting on first semester activities of the active chapter during the recent Active and Alumni meeting during the Homecoming and Reunion Weekend, Brother Martin Fergus, Philanthropy Chair, detailed the list of non-profit and charitable organizations benefiting from the energies of the Iota Chapter. These include:

  • Darfur Awareness Week in conjunction with Student Peace Alliance (also headed by Brother Fergus)
  • Voter Registration Drive: resulting in 85 newly registered voters
  • Red Cross volunteering in support of Hurricane Ike relief
  • The Caring Place of Georgetown, volunteering in support of the local area food bank and donation center
  • Lymphoma research, a fundraising effort with all-night volleyball on the lawn

Next semester, the actives have plans to support the Fisher House, a charitable support network providing housing and accommodation for military families. This effort is part of the  Kappa Sigma National Fraternity campaign to raise $100,000 in support of the Fisher House.

FREE T-shirts for Homecoming

Hello Kappa Sigmas, spouses, friends,

I have printed up COMMEMORATIVE, limited-edition T-shirts for this year’s Homecoming.

To get your FREE Commemorative limited-edition T-shirt, all you have to do is  pay your ALUMNI DUES for 2008 ($60) and you get a FREE T-shirt. Pre-pay your 2009 dues, and get the same deal. If you want more than one, the T’s are $20 each. This is for the charity of Kappa Sigma. All of the proceeds will go to the Kappa Sigma Alumni Fund and to help one active pay his active dues for the semester.

To PRE-ORDER your shirt, please respond by email with your size preference. If you are not coming to Homecoming and want it shipped to you, please specify that in the email. I will include shipping in the cost of the shirt. $20 per shirt. Why not order some for the whole family?

I have Men’s T-shirts and Tank Tops, sizes:  L, XL, and XXL.

I also have tank tops (sleeveless T’s) for WOMEN!!! The sizes are S, M, and L for the ladies. Larger sizes for men.

I will take credit cards or checks for the T-shirts now. At Homecoming, on November 7th, I will be selling the shirts for cash, check or credit card.



Alan Haworth
(214) 750-2006 Direct


Iota Alumni News: Fall / Homecoming Edition

Volume 1: Issue 3

Feature stories – Homecoming and Reunion Weekend 2008

Calling all Homecoming Queens!
Brother William McCall ‘88 has issued a challenge. He urges Iota Chapter Alumni and the Active Chapter to participate in the 100th Year of Southwestern Homecoming with a float in the Saturday morning parade down the Academic Mall. All past Queens are likewise invited to make one more showing! [Read more]

Family to Dedicate Plaque in Chapter House Honoring Brother Craig Grayum
Please join us for the Open House, 4 PM on Saturday, where the family of the late Craig Grayum will present a plaque to be on permanent display honoring Craig.

Enjoy Lunch on the Mall and Dinner at the House
For Saturday eating, plan on eating lunch on the Academic Mall, tickets available for purchase as part of Southwestern’s Homecoming registration.

For dinner, the Active Chapter will provide a catered meal for alumni, friends and family. Swing by the House to reserve your spot and purchase tickets when you get into town.

Tickets: Single – $15, Couple – $25, Family – $30

For questions, contact Colin Elliott (Alumni Relations) on (832) 643-3666.

Iota Chapter Homecoming Weekend Schedule

Friday November 7
7:00 PM Poker Game/Tournament

Saturday November 8
11:30 Homecoming Parade
12:00 – 2PM Picnic on the Mall
2:00PM Alumni/Active Meeting – new time 
4:00PM Open House
6:00PM Dinner at the House (RSVP & payment required for catered dinner)
7:00PM Kappa Sigma Reception at the Alumni Hospitality House

Sunday November 9
10:00 AM Coffee and Donuts

Resource Links:
Homecoming and Reunion Weekend Website – register now!
SU: “Alumni Connection Groups

Alumni Business

The number of alumni brothers participating in annual “Alumni Dues” continues to grow
Membership dues to the Iota Chapter Alumni Association are a suggested minimum contribution of $60 per year. Many brothers, especially younger alums, have opted for a monthly credit card donation. Contact Alan Haworth, Treasurer, by phone (214) 536-6268 or email to set-up a regular donation.
Of course, you may also send a check, payable to Iota Chapter Alumni Association to the address listed below:
Alan Haworth
9135 Drumcliffe Ln
Dallas, TX 75231

Alumni on the Web

On the Web site, check out the “Links” section to Alumni on the Web. Many Iota brothers are active online, personally, professional, academically, and charitably and we’ll take advantage of the Iota Chapter Web site to serve as a hub for this rich collection of online content.

Next Issue of Iota Alumni News:
To submit news, notes, or ideas for Iota Alumni News, please contact Jonathan Goodman at 817.923.1997 or jbgoodman (at) alumni (dot) southwestern [dot] edu

Homecoming 2008 Schedule of Events

Friday November 7

7:00 PM Poker Game/Tournament 

Saturday November 8

11:30 Homecoming Parade (where are you Homecoming Queens?)

12:00 – 2PM Picnic on the Mall

2:00PM Alumni/Active Meeting (NEW TIME!)

4:00PM Open House

6:00PM Dinner at the House* (RSVP & payment required for catered dinner)

7:00PM Kappa Sigma Reception at the Alumni Hospitality House


Sunday November 9

10:00 AM Coffee and Donuts

NOTE: Watch this page for schedule changes.

Resource Links:
Homecoming and Reunion Weekend Website – register now!
SU: “Alumni Connection Groups”

New Active Leaders Prepare for Fall Semester

This past Saturday, August 30th, the incoming Executive Committee Officers held a leadership retreat at the residence of Alumni Advisor Marshal Crenshaw in Walburg, Texas.

Joining the actives were representatives of the Alumni including Alumni Scribe Jonathan Goodman and Alumni Board member Chris Mathers. Brothers Love and Bulter also contributed to the planning sessions.

A complete update will be coming the Iota Alumni eNewsletter in the coming days. If you’re not already receiving the Alumni eNewsletter, please use the sign-up form to the right join our mailing list.

Our next Iota Alumni Alumni Association membership meeting will take place during the weekend of Homecoming, November 7-8. Save the date and we hope to see you at the House this Fall.

Alumni & Active Retreat Scheduled for August 30

For all active and alumni leadership and any brother who’d like to attend (it’s an open meeting):

Before the start of the Fall Semester, the active and alumni will meet to coordinate fraternal strategies and tactics.

Date: August 30
Time: 11am – whenever
Place: Marshal’s house in Walburg

Agenda items:

  • Fall rush
  • House
  • Homecoming
  • Other new business

Please save the date and plan to attend.

Iota Chapter eNewsletter: Spring 2008

Feature stories

Article highlights Rev. Chuck Merrill’s Legacy
According to Trish Merrill, anyone who knew her late husband Chuck knows that he cared most about peace and justice. In the months following the death of Reverend J. Charles “Chuck” Merrill ’59, Trish and long-time friend and fraternity brother Bruce Barrick ’71 conceived of a way both to honor Chuck’s legacy and to further the social justice issues for which he cared deeply. [Read more]

Crandell Addington ’61 of San Antonio featured in local business press
According to the San Antonio Business Journal, “Local entrepreneur and former professional poker player Crandell Addington says the stuffed rattlesnake on his office coffee table helps to keep people honest during business meetings.” [Read the full article here]
More of Brother Addington on the Web:
On Wikipedia
Lecturing at Harvard Law

News & Notes

  • Alumni Treasurer, Brother Alan Haworth visited the 1960’s Kappa Sigma Reunion in Salado and filed this report. [Read the post on]
  • Southwestern recently ended the 2007/2008 academic year. With graduation and the end of the academic term, the Alumni Association gained six new members, and the Active Chapter initiated 10 brothers.
  • Kappa Sigma alumnus David Craig Stanford, Class of ’82, and wife Tava Miyata Stanford announced the birth of their twins, Lucille Louise Stanford (LuLu) and Canter Kazunori Stanford (Kaz), born November 11, 2007.  Craig now ranks the third oldest father of newborns in the United States, behind David Letterman (2nd) and the now deceased Tony Randall (1st).

Events: Past & Future

Alumni Weekend 2008
In pictures
By the numbers

Homecoming 2008, Calling all Homecoming Queens!
Brother William McCall ‘88 has issued a challenge. He urges Iota Chapter Alumni and the Active Chapter to participate in the 100th Year of Southwestern Homecoming with a float in the Saturday morning parade down the Academic Mall. [Read more]

Alumni Business

The percentage now participating in “Alumni Dues” annual giving continues to grow
Membership dues to the Iota Chapter Alumni Association are a suggested minimum contribution of $60 per year. Many brothers, especially younger alums, have opted for a monthly credit card donation in the range of $10-20 dollars. Contact Alan Haworth, Treasurer, by phone (214) 536-6268 or email to set-up a regular donation.
Of course, you may also send a check, payable to Iota Chapter Alumni Association to the address listed below:
Alan Haworth
9135 Drumcliffe Ln
Dallas, TX 75231

Alumni on the Web

On the Web site, check out the “Links” section to Alumni on the Web. Many Iota brothers are active online, personally, professional, academically, and charitably and we’ll take advantage of the Iota Chapter Web site to serve as a hub for this rich collection of online content.
Here are a few examples of blogs I’ve been reading:

Send me your own content or those of your brothers to share.


Next Issue of Iota Alumni News:
To submit news, notes, or ideas for Iota Alumni News, please contact Jonathan Goodman at 817.923.1997 or jbgoodman [at] alumni [dot] southwestern [dot] edu

Calling all Homecoming Queens!

Brother William McCall ’88 has issued a challenge. He urges Iota Chapter Alumni and the Active Chapter to participate in the 100th Year of Southwestern Homecoming with a float in the Saturday morning parade down the Academic Mall.

In particular, William seeks out past Iota “Homecoming Queens” to dust off their tiaras and make it back for this centennial event. While this particular Iota tradition may be a bit opaque and unfamiliar to those deprived of the parade tradition, I’m told all of you queens know who you are and that you’re wanted back for another hurrah.

In any case, even if you swore off women’s clothes the day you stepped off campus after graduation, we’d love to have you identify yourself for posterity and make it back for Homecoming 2008, November 7-9. Drop a comment on this blog post or sent a note to William.

For those who were courtiers and not queens, we can use your help too (remind us who the queens were) and of course we want to see you back on campus this Fall just as much!

Alumni weekend 2008: Schedule Update

Friday, April 4:
Open House, come on over this evening if you’re in town.

Saturday, April 5:
11:00 AM – Active Chapter/Alumni Association joint meeting
Noon – lunch, grilled fajitas, donations accepted
2:00 PM – Softball, directions to field to be provided
5:00 PM/Sunset – Dinner options include Booties with Erik and gang, Walburg with Alan and crew, or your choice of local fare. (**Alert Erik or Alan if you plan to join either group by phone, email, or by comment to this post.)
Evening – hanging out at the House
10:30 + Live music, featuring “The Bus Stop Stallions.”

CORRECTION: Alumni Weekend actually April 4 & 5

Post cards mailed this week reminding brothers of the upcoming Alumni Weekend mistakenly reference April 3 & 4 as the dates for the 2008 gathering.

This matter was brought to my attention, most appropriately by my pledge brother Bryan. Appropriate, because as Bryan points out (though this fact has not been verified), the last time that April 3 occurred on a Friday was in 1998 – which also happened to be the year Bryan and I graduated from Southwestern.

Bryan writes, “Either you are nostalgic or you have a time machine (or both…). “

Neither, my dear PB. Just a bit bone headed.

To all, please accept my sincere apologies. I will strive to ensure all future alumni communications are free of such errors.


Alumni Scribe

Save the date for Alumni Weekend 2008: April 4-6

Attention all alumni:

Mark your calendars now for the annual Alumni Weekend – to take place over the weekend of April 4-6th.

Compared to our other annual gathering during the Southwestern Homecoming Weekend, you’ll recall Alumni Weekend as much less formal affair. Friendly Friday night card playing gives way to a nice Saturday gathering on the lawn with a group lunch for the whole family. Then Active vs. Alumni softball with the Spring Pledge Class (rumored to be numbered in the double digits) officiating with the utmost impartiality and fairness, followed up by an evening of live music and fellowship.

Bring yourself, your family if you like, your softball glove, and a big appetite!

We look forward to seeing you in April!


Iota Alumni Newsletter: Winter 2008

Upcoming Events

Active & Alumni EC & Leadership Retreat
Dates: January 12-13
Venue: Marshal Crenshaw’s House in Walburg
Start time: Noon, Saturday, January 12
Agenda: Active and alumni business, 2008 planning
Who should attend?

  • Active and alumni officers
  • All active and alumni brothers in good standing are welcome

Lunch provided, so please RSVP to either Marshal or Jonathan

Alumni Weekend 2008

A final announcement will be made after the EC Retreat in January, but tentatively plan for April 4-6 for the annual Spring Semester Alumni Weekend.
Note: the Brown Symposium XXX will take place April 3-4, so it may be a great time to take an extended weekend trip to Georgetown.

News & Notes

Texas man of letters, Nate Blakeslee ’92, acclaimed book being made into a movie
Nate Blakeslee, senior editor at Texas Monthly Magazine, and author of the widely acclaimed book, Tulia: Race, Cocaine, and Corruption in a Small Texas Town, will soon add movie credits to his body of work. “Tulia” is a movie adaptation currently in production and due out in 2008. John Singleton is directing, and Variety reports that Billy Bob Thorton and Halle Berry will star in the film.

Other links by and about Nate:
Google Books -Tulia: Race, Cocaine, and Corruption in a Small Texas Town
“Everyone’s Poop” by Nate Blakeslee,
Southwestern Who’s Who From SU?
Top 10 Books on Investigative Journalism

Association negotiates insurance claim after summer rain water damage
Many of you across the state of Texas experienced the massive rainfall of spring and summer 2007. Central Texas experienced some of the worst flooding and water-related property damage and our House was no exception. The House Corporation/Alumni Association has concluded a claim with our insurance provider HRH Kirklin & Co., LLC for water damage as a result of the heavy summer rains. Damage was done to the wood flooring and sub-flooring, the cosmetic elements of which were fixed during the summer repairs by actives and alumni. Important structural work remains to be done by professionals and this settlement will help toward that end. Financial details of the claim will be reported during our upcoming leadership retreat and via the Treasurer’s report in advance of Alumni Weekend in April. We wish to thank several brothers who offered ideas and suggestions to facilitate this process, including Tanner Garth, Dan Middlebrooks, Joe Abel, Russell Ramsey, and Pat Sparks. Outgoing Treasure Charles Bedard led the effort and all dealings with our insurance provider which led to this favorable outcome.

Alumni respond to the end of year call for donations, alumni dues
Matthew Browning ’97, Matthew Barnes ’06, Dr. Harvel Loveless ’69, Mike Ooi ’98, and Thomas Hambleton ’76 each responded with a donation/membership dues to the Alumni Association since Homecoming. If you have also donated but have not been recognized here, please send me a note to the alumni Scribe, and thank you for your contribution!

Membership dues to the Iota Chapter Alumni Association are a suggested minimum contribution of $60 per year. Many brothers, especially younger alums, have opted for a monthly credit card donation in the range of $10-20 dollars. Contact Alan Haworth, Treasurer, by phone ((214) 536-6268) or email to set-up a regular donation.

Of course, you may also send a check, payable to Iota Chapter Alumni Association to the address listed below:
Alan Haworth
9135 Drumcliffe Ln
Dallas, TX 75231

Alumni on the Web:
As part of future updates to the Web site, we’ll be adding an “Alumni on the Web” section. Many Iota brothers are active online, personally, professional, academically, and charitably and we’ll take advantage of the Iota Chapter Web site to serve as a hub for this rich collection of online content.

Here are a few examples of blogs I’ve been reading:
Crosscountry Adventures, by Isaac Smith ’02
Unsquare Dance, by Jeff James ’04 (also our Web master)
grog blog, a caveman designer blog, by Chet Lofgren ’00
Starr Tincup, by Bret Starr ’95
Team Goodman, by Jonathan Goodman ’98

Jeremy Cottrell ’98 on Flickr

Submit your own content or those of your brothers to share.

Next Issue of Iota Alumni News:

To submit news, notes, or ideas for Iota Alumni News, please contact Jonathan Goodman at 817.923.1997 or by email.

EC Retreat Location & Details

Alumni Advisor, Marshal Crenshaw has graciously offered his house in Walburg as the venue for this weekend’s EC Retreat.

Directions and details will be sent via email.

We’ll begin the day at Noon Central, Saturday, January 12 and go until we get too hungry to continue. Some basic accommodations are available for those who wish to stay the night.

Again, all are welcome. Active and Alumni leadership are expected.


Homecoming 2007 recap

If you missed this past Homecoming weekend, I’ll bet you $20 one of your fraternity brothers was either asking about you or offering an update on your behalf. We enjoyed a truly beautiful fall weekend in Georgetown. For my part, it was great to see everyone who came out to enjoy SU’s annual gathering. To the University’s credit, they work very hard on making Homecoming a great event every year. To all of the University staff and volunteers (all of you in gold name badges), thank you for hosting an excellent series of weekend events. One highlight for the second year running was the Alumni Hospitality House, hosted at the San Gabriel House and sponsored by outgoing SU Alumni Association president Joe Seeber. Thanks Joe! Come by the Sigma next year for one on us!


Stuff worth knowing about

During the 4 PM Open House presentation, our emcee and Brother Bruce Barrick announced the launch of an endowed scholarship in the name of the late Rev. Chuck Merrill. Chuck spoke at Homecoming 2006 to everyone’s delight, just months before he passed; Katy, Chuck’s daughter, came to speak on the family’s behalf this year. It was a touching and emotion filled few moments as Katy spoke of her dad. University president Jake B. Schrum was on hand to accept the first donation to the scholarship fund. He also spoke about Brother Merrill and his legacy, noting men of Chuck’s courage and devotion to social justice seem to be in short supply these days. Supporting the spirit of social justice as lived by Chuck will be a primary focus of the scholarship.

Iota Chapter Alumni Association Blake Stanford announced several awards for alumni service for several brothers who donated time, financial support, labor, and leadership toward House renovations this year. Awards were given to Tanner Garth, Dan Middlebrooks, Erik Harpst, and in absentia Pat Sparks, Joe Abel, and William McCall (note to these gentlemen, I have your awards!). Many brothers did amazing work over the summer months, and Blake made special mention of their efforts. “You know who you are!”

Charles Bedard completed his term as Alumni Treasurer having served with distinction since 2001. The alumni present at the morning membership meeting unanimously elected Alan Haworth as the new Alumni Treasurer effective immediately.

Active president Ben Rodriguez spoke the afternoon gathering on the lawn as well, thanking the alumni for all the hard work and effort which they put in the House. Ben also introduced the four fall pledges and his leadership team.

The Iota Endowed Scholarship Fund now has over $80,000 committed and is on track to hit the goal of reaching $200,000 in the next two years. Brothers or friends of the chapter making annual contributions to Southwestern are able to designate their gift in whole or part to the Iota scholarship. It’s a tax-deductible means to reward the chapters academic excellence. Rob Atkins received the first scholarship in the 2006/2007 academic year.

We hope to post pictures from the weekend soon.

Please add your own comments and reflections on the weekend.

Saturday’s Homecoming Schedule, Nov. 3

The University hosts the Saturday Homecoming Picnic from Noon – 2PM.

Come by the House in the morning for the Alumni/Active meeting (currently scheduled for 10AM)

Join us back at the House for the official program and Open House at 4PM.

Saturday evening, enjoy live music and good fraternal fun.

Note: we encourage everyone coming to register online and to buy your Homecoming Picnic tickets via the Homecoming Web site: