Work Weekend #3 at the House

This weekend, July 28-29:

Leading the charge will be Joe Abel and Alan Haworth

On the to do list:
– Clearing out remaining old junk (the World Book Encyclopedia from 1982, etc)
– Painting, downstairs, kitchen, etc
– Doing sheetrock repairs
– Fixing busted doors

Tons going on at the House – join in. All hands are welcome and needed!!

House Improvements


We have made significant House upgrades this summer including new bathrooms, installing a new stove, repainting the entire inside, and making numerous other improvements. We would like to thank our recent contributors and especially thank our Jackson’s Men donors (click here for a full list) who have each donated more than $1,000 and without whom none of the House improvements would have been possible!

Upcoming projects that require donations to be completed include:

  1. Fix parquet floor – water warped parquet spots need to be replaced (Amount currently being scoped)
  2. Install curtains (Looking for an individual or class to make $1,200 donation)
  3. Replace upstairs carpet (Looking for an individual or class to make a $2,000 contribution)
  4. General repairs guided by the Erik, Tanner, and Danny House Revitalization project

Send donations to:
Iota Chapter Alumni Association
10400 Westoffice, Suite 114
Houston, Texas 77042


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Notes from Brothers

Brothers –

Keep up the great work! I am trapped in WI’s North Woods right now, so I hope some cash can help in my absence. I can’t wait to see the House when I am back in town.

Matt Barnes

Brothers –

I was looking at my phone today and it appears I called the house about six times around five am Sunday morning. As I recall, I was trying to inquire whether the refrigerator was running. Anyways, here’s my monthly contribution check.


Brothers –

William Granger Grace made his way into the world on July 9 at 11:42 PM. He’s 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and 20 inches long. His older brother, James, is very happy (and his parents are very tired!)

Jimmy (The Rev. James M.L. Grace)

Thank you Heather Jo (Stardusters rock!)

Dear Heather,

Thank you for all of your help this past weekend painting, cleaning, and just participating in our work weekend.

We’re humbled and grateful that you came.

Thanks for sharing your story about what Iota meant to you while at school and what it continues to mean today.

We hope to see you again soon – at Homecoming as our welcome guest!

All the best,
Iota Alumni Association

P.S. Since you learned about the work weekend via the Web site – I hope this finds you as well. Drop us a comment if so.

Brother Matthew Kenneth Jones

Friends and Brothers,

We wanted to share the news of the passing of Brother Matt Jones, who died after a lengthy battle with cancer.

Below is an excerpt from and a link to the obituary from the “The Daily Sentinel” of Nacogdoches.

Matthew Kenneth Jones was born in St. Louis, Missouri on Sept. 21, 1967 and made the journey to his eternal home on June 29, 2007, following an eight-year battle with a Glioblastoma Multiforme 4. Matt passed away in the peace and comfort of his home in Nacogdoches, where he resided for the majority of his life. Matt enjoyed life immensely and maintained his enthusiasm and zest even throughout his lengthy battle…

In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to M.D. Anderson, The American Cancer Society, or The Juvenile Diabetes Association, St. Jude’s, MS Association of Seattle.