Thank you Heather Jo (Stardusters rock!)

Dear Heather,

Thank you for all of your help this past weekend painting, cleaning, and just participating in our work weekend.

We’re humbled and grateful that you came.

Thanks for sharing your story about what Iota meant to you while at school and what it continues to mean today.

We hope to see you again soon – at Homecoming as our welcome guest!

All the best,
Iota Alumni Association

P.S. Since you learned about the work weekend via the Web site – I hope this finds you as well. Drop us a comment if so.

4 thoughts on Thank you Heather Jo (Stardusters rock!)

  1. Stardusters or Little Sisters are no longer allowed . It is a violation of policy. Is this a reference to a former group? Mic

  2. Dear Mic:

    Thanks for your comment.

    The reference to Stardusters in this post does refer to a former group.

    We’re glad to know you’re reading!


  3. Stardusters might rather be thought of as kindly aunties who appear out of old logs from time to time. Dreams really do come true. Thank YOU!


  4. Hey Heather-

    It was awesome seeing you again at the house. As a proud member of the first Starduster group, prior to its end, I so agree with you. We Dusters were proud supporters of the Iota Chapter, and remain so even without the title! The memories will always be with us.


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