A note from Brother Erik Harpst:
How long has it been since you have lifted a paint brush or swung a hammer for Kappa Sigma? Well that’s too long!!
We have planned a face lift of the Iota Chapter’s beloved Sig House to complete the 2007 renovations. On July 7 and July 14, alumni and active members will be working to restore its overall condition. This will take dedicated workers, materials and money. Among the needed work is painting, floor repair, door repair/replacement, door lock replacement, hedge trimming, carpentry repair, landscaping, bathroom construction, pressure washing, general repair and clean up. We are getting committee members that will be in charge of certain projects. They will be gathering workers on certain dates to get their projects completed.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have donated thus far, especially those who have given large donations. These funds have been wisely spent on much needed plumbing and kitchen repairs ($6000). Other funds are earmarked for up coming expenses such as the floor, bathroom stalls, shower doors, etc. We need funding for our upcoming work weekends. If you are unable to make it to Georgetown , show your support by donating to the much needed funds. If you can do both, as many will do, a sincere AEKDB to you.
In the coming days or weeks you will receive information with committee member’s names and contact information. Each committee member will be responsible for organizing their project, including getting the needed supplies to the house for the job and coming up with a head count. Many volunteers will be needed for the painting committee.
Our fraternity house will be 50 years old in 2010. It has served us well and we have many memories, both happy and sad, of our days within those limestone walls. Most of us would not trade those memories for anything in the world. Let’s give our house the respect it deserves and bring it back to it’s former glory.
Erik Harpst, 1970
Benjamin Ramirez, Active GM
Erik Harpst, Weekend Commander
Sugar Land
Danny Middlebrooks
Blake Stanford, Alumni President
Marshal Crenshaw, Alumni Advisor
Jonathan Goodman, Alumni VP & Scribe
Fort Worth