Homecoming 2007 recap

If you missed this past Homecoming weekend, I’ll bet you $20 one of your fraternity brothers was either asking about you or offering an update on your behalf. We enjoyed a truly beautiful fall weekend in Georgetown. For my part, it was great to see everyone who came out to enjoy SU’s annual gathering. To the University’s credit, they work very hard on making Homecoming a great event every year. To all of the University staff and volunteers (all of you in gold name badges), thank you for hosting an excellent series of weekend events. One highlight for the second year running was the Alumni Hospitality House, hosted at the San Gabriel House and sponsored by outgoing SU Alumni Association president Joe Seeber. Thanks Joe! Come by the Sigma next year for one on us!


Stuff worth knowing about

During the 4 PM Open House presentation, our emcee and Brother Bruce Barrick announced the launch of an endowed scholarship in the name of the late Rev. Chuck Merrill. Chuck spoke at Homecoming 2006 to everyone’s delight, just months before he passed; Katy, Chuck’s daughter, came to speak on the family’s behalf this year. It was a touching and emotion filled few moments as Katy spoke of her dad. University president Jake B. Schrum was on hand to accept the first donation to the scholarship fund. He also spoke about Brother Merrill and his legacy, noting men of Chuck’s courage and devotion to social justice seem to be in short supply these days. Supporting the spirit of social justice as lived by Chuck will be a primary focus of the scholarship.

Iota Chapter Alumni Association Blake Stanford announced several awards for alumni service for several brothers who donated time, financial support, labor, and leadership toward House renovations this year. Awards were given to Tanner Garth, Dan Middlebrooks, Erik Harpst, and in absentia Pat Sparks, Joe Abel, and William McCall (note to these gentlemen, I have your awards!). Many brothers did amazing work over the summer months, and Blake made special mention of their efforts. “You know who you are!”

Charles Bedard completed his term as Alumni Treasurer having served with distinction since 2001. The alumni present at the morning membership meeting unanimously elected Alan Haworth as the new Alumni Treasurer effective immediately.

Active president Ben Rodriguez spoke the afternoon gathering on the lawn as well, thanking the alumni for all the hard work and effort which they put in the House. Ben also introduced the four fall pledges and his leadership team.

The Iota Endowed Scholarship Fund now has over $80,000 committed and is on track to hit the goal of reaching $200,000 in the next two years. Brothers or friends of the chapter making annual contributions to Southwestern are able to designate their gift in whole or part to the Iota scholarship. It’s a tax-deductible means to reward the chapters academic excellence. Rob Atkins received the first scholarship in the 2006/2007 academic year.

We hope to post pictures from the weekend soon.

Please add your own comments and reflections on the weekend.

Homecoming and Reunion Weekend Nov 2-4, 2007

SU Homecoming is right around the corner.

You can register online and find all the resources you need (accommodation, schedules) via the SU Homecoming home page: http://www.southwestern.edu/homecoming/

Of note… 

Alumni Hospitality House: Friday, Noon to midnight and Saturday, 10am to 1am, San Gabriel House, 1008 E. University Ave.

Friday, November 2:
7pm   Kappa Sigma Fraternity Alumni Reception at the Hospitality House

Saturday, November 3:
4pm Open House at “The House”

Details on the formal program at Kappa Sigma House to follow…

We hope to see you all at Homecoming this year! 

Scholarship Report: Alumni Association President Blake Stanford

Dear Brothers,

Many of you have supported the Iota Chapter and Southwestern University in many ways over the years. As your Alumni Association President, I am pleased to report the fruits of our effort and the first Southwestern Greek endowed scholarship fund.

Through the effort of Friends and Brothers, the fund was initiated in the spring of 2005 and now totals $59,044. Our first scholarship of approximately $1000 was granted for this fall semester for Robert Atkinson, a sophomore Kappa Sigma active from San Diego, California. The next scholarship awarded should be for approximately $3000.

The Kappa Sigma Iota Endowed Scholarship Fund is a permanent endowment fund established by our Chapter’s Alumni Association for the benefit of Active members of the Fraternity. Iota Chapter University students in good standing and demonstrating the highest levels of academic excellence and leadership in the University are eligible for the annual scholarship awards. This is truly a new and unique way to assist its members with their University education, promote the Active Chapter on campus, and support your Alma Mater.

Many brothers have expressed a desire to give to the Chapter through a tax deductible donation. This is your chance. Please lend your financial support to this endeavor, and take this opportunity to make your donation to this worthy endeavor. If you are already giving gifts to the University, please designate them towards the Fund by noting this designation on your check.

When remitting your check, please make payable to: “Southwestern University – Kappa Sigma Endowed Fund”. Also, please check with your employer for availability of matching funds towards your personal, tax deductible gift. If you have any questions, please contact me personally at home (512-452-5260), work (512-467-7916) or via email, blake at swhuman dot org. Our contact person at Southwestern University, Kent Huntsman, Associate Vice President for Development, can be
reached at 512-863-6511. or by by writing to his attention at P.O. BOX 770, Georgetown, TX 78627-0770.

The Board of Directors of the Iota Alumni Association urges you to show your support for Kappa Sigma now. Remember – “Not for a day, an hour, or a college term only, but for LIFE”.

Blake Stanford
President, Iota Alumni Association