Alumni Dues for 2010


In an effort to cut costs for the Alumni Association of Iota, we are sending your invoice for the 2010 Alumni dues electronically. In the past three years since I took over fundraising for the chapter, I have gotten the actual mailing with stamps down to 100 brothers from 500.

If you have not already received an email or other notification, please print the attachment below.

Please open the attached document, print a copy, and put a check in the mail. Or, use the Donate link to the right. Dues are $100 per alumni. As I have said in the past, if everyone pays their fair share, then we don’t need to ask for extra.

That being said, as we’re starting the final push for the 125th anniversary, any extra will go toward that celebration.

If you are a recent grad or still in graduate school and need a payment schedule, please reach out to me via email. Our recurring payment system is down until further notice.

[PDF] IotaChapter_Alumni_Dues_2010

My address:
Alan Haworth
9135 Drumcliffe Ln
Dallas TX 75231