Walburg Restaurant, destination for visiting alumni

Alan Haworth, Dallas alumnus and alumni association treasurer, has reserved space at the Walburg Restaurant for a post Softball Game dinner. Everyone is welcome to join the group. Contact Alan this week or on Saturday at the House.

Plans call to sit inside for the German buffet and perhaps to visit the biergarten outside upon the conclusion of the meal. All of this revelry will leave plenty of time to return to Georgetown and freshen-up before the evening’s festivities.

CORRECTION: Alumni Weekend actually April 4 & 5

Post cards mailed this week reminding brothers of the upcoming Alumni Weekend mistakenly reference April 3 & 4 as the dates for the 2008 gathering.

This matter was brought to my attention, most appropriately by my pledge brother Bryan. Appropriate, because as Bryan points out (though this fact has not been verified), the last time that April 3 occurred on a Friday was in 1998 – which also happened to be the year Bryan and I graduated from Southwestern.

Bryan writes, “Either you are nostalgic or you have a time machine (or both…). “

Neither, my dear PB. Just a bit bone headed.

To all, please accept my sincere apologies. I will strive to ensure all future alumni communications are free of such errors.


Alumni Scribe