New Grand Treasurer calls for donations

[excerpt from a message from newly elected Alumni GT, Alan Haworth]


I have been elected as the new Treasurer for Kappa Sigma Iota.

I know that this has been a busy year for donations of money and time; and YOU are the ones who gave. I’m asking for a favor as we head into the holiday season. As you speak with old PB’s and alums from your era, please push them to make an end of the year contribution. Please pass this message along to everyone at KE that you can think of. If everyone sent me a check for $15, we can make all of our end of year commitments: paying for the deck loan, house taxes, and fire alarm system.

Please send all donations to::

Alan Haworth
9135 Drumcliffe Ln
Dallas TX 75231

My plan for the future is pretty simple. I have a list of Iota alumni. I am going to call them all and sign them up for a monthly contribution.

End of the year is very busy for me, but January is slow and I will have plenty of time to call. So send me a check, and I won’t have to call you!
