The 50th Annual Alumni Weekend Set for April 1st

The Active Chapter will host alumni brothers, friends, and family this Spring over the weekend of April 1st at the House.

Brother Erik Harpst reminds us that this tradition began in 1973 — time flies!

Active Brothers and Co-Alumni Chairs Josh Tenorio and Aiden Gomez promise via their email newsletter that, “activities have been planned throughout the weekend that will allow Greek alumni from several decades to engage with our current chapter members. Don’t miss out on all of the fun, including our annual softball game!”

A post on this website from a decade ago provides some word associations which might trigger nostalgia in you (as it does for me).

Softball. Grilled meats. Family. Tim. Friends. Brothers. Southwestern. Old stories. Power tools. Russell. Pledges. Musical instruments. Marshal. Green grass. Norwood. Composites. New memories. Pat. The San Gabriel river. Fire. Sausage links. Erik…

Add the names of your PBs and Big Bros, your favorite SU and G-town places, and the experiences you treasure to that word string… and maybe, we’ll see you in April to share stories and make new ones.

Planning to attend? Feel free add a comment below and let us know.


Active Chapter 2022 and 2023 informal

Greek letters added during recent house improvements

Greek letters added during recent house improvements

