An Active-led Appeal for the House

Excerpted from Tyler’s Facebook post, August 5th:

I’m Tyler Anderson, this semester’s Alumni and Communications Chair. I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of you who intend to come to Alumni work weekend. We’ve got a lot of plans for this coming semester, and I’m glad we have such an active group of alumni to help those happen.

For those of you who can’t make it, there’s other ways to help! This semester we’re going to try and replace a lot of the older things in the house that have either stopped working or need repairs — like the dishwasher, the bathrooms, and the showers. We’ve put together a GoFundMe page to make it easy for your donations to directly contribute to what needs to be fixed. On that page you’ll find a clear list of everything we’re taking a look at fixing.

Additionally, any brother who donates more than $100 will have something in the house dedicated to him — something we will mark with a label-maker. If you want to come by on Alumni Weekend to see your name in laminate text on a cabinet door or microwave, all you have to do is click on that link below and help out.

Here’s that link:

We’re appreciative of everything you guys are doing, and we hope to see you this coming weekend, or over Alumni Weekend. Thanks so much, guys!

-Tyler Anderson