Iota Alumni News: Fall / Homecoming Edition

Volume 1: Issue 3

Feature stories – Homecoming and Reunion Weekend 2008

Calling all Homecoming Queens!
Brother William McCall ‘88 has issued a challenge. He urges Iota Chapter Alumni and the Active Chapter to participate in the 100th Year of Southwestern Homecoming with a float in the Saturday morning parade down the Academic Mall. All past Queens are likewise invited to make one more showing! [Read more]

Family to Dedicate Plaque in Chapter House Honoring Brother Craig Grayum
Please join us for the Open House, 4 PM on Saturday, where the family of the late Craig Grayum will present a plaque to be on permanent display honoring Craig.

Enjoy Lunch on the Mall and Dinner at the House
For Saturday eating, plan on eating lunch on the Academic Mall, tickets available for purchase as part of Southwestern’s Homecoming registration.

For dinner, the Active Chapter will provide a catered meal for alumni, friends and family. Swing by the House to reserve your spot and purchase tickets when you get into town.

Tickets: Single – $15, Couple – $25, Family – $30

For questions, contact Colin Elliott (Alumni Relations) on (832) 643-3666.

Iota Chapter Homecoming Weekend Schedule

Friday November 7
7:00 PM Poker Game/Tournament

Saturday November 8
11:30 Homecoming Parade
12:00 – 2PM Picnic on the Mall
2:00PM Alumni/Active Meeting – new time 
4:00PM Open House
6:00PM Dinner at the House (RSVP & payment required for catered dinner)
7:00PM Kappa Sigma Reception at the Alumni Hospitality House

Sunday November 9
10:00 AM Coffee and Donuts

Resource Links:
Homecoming and Reunion Weekend Website – register now!
SU: “Alumni Connection Groups

Alumni Business

The number of alumni brothers participating in annual “Alumni Dues” continues to grow
Membership dues to the Iota Chapter Alumni Association are a suggested minimum contribution of $60 per year. Many brothers, especially younger alums, have opted for a monthly credit card donation. Contact Alan Haworth, Treasurer, by phone (214) 536-6268 or email to set-up a regular donation.
Of course, you may also send a check, payable to Iota Chapter Alumni Association to the address listed below:
Alan Haworth
9135 Drumcliffe Ln
Dallas, TX 75231

Alumni on the Web

On the Web site, check out the “Links” section to Alumni on the Web. Many Iota brothers are active online, personally, professional, academically, and charitably and we’ll take advantage of the Iota Chapter Web site to serve as a hub for this rich collection of online content.

Next Issue of Iota Alumni News:
To submit news, notes, or ideas for Iota Alumni News, please contact Jonathan Goodman at 817.923.1997 or jbgoodman (at) alumni (dot) southwestern [dot] edu

Homecoming 2008 Schedule of Events

Friday November 7

7:00 PM Poker Game/Tournament 

Saturday November 8

11:30 Homecoming Parade (where are you Homecoming Queens?)

12:00 – 2PM Picnic on the Mall

2:00PM Alumni/Active Meeting (NEW TIME!)

4:00PM Open House

6:00PM Dinner at the House* (RSVP & payment required for catered dinner)

7:00PM Kappa Sigma Reception at the Alumni Hospitality House


Sunday November 9

10:00 AM Coffee and Donuts

NOTE: Watch this page for schedule changes.

Resource Links:
Homecoming and Reunion Weekend Website – register now!
SU: “Alumni Connection Groups”